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Enjoy these videos and be sure to visit our YouTube page.

John W. Morehead

Discusses some of the background behind Evangelicals and engaging other religions.

John W. Morehead - Extended Cut

An extended cut of the video where John shares how he got involved in religious diplomacy.​​

RiverCity Christian Story

Pastor Mark Shetler shares the story of his church loving their Muslim neighbors in Sacramento.

Os Guinness

A discussion of religious freedoms, pluralism, the freedom of conscience, and the need for diverse groups to accept each others' legitimacy in public debate. ​​

Skye Jethani and Eboo Patel

An Evangelical and Muslim leader build upon their friendship to discuss interreligious relationships.

Christian-Muslim Relationships

Muslim author and Executive Director of Interfaith Youth Core, Eboo Patel and Christian author, speaker and pastor Skye Jethani spoke to Wheaton students and community on the subject of interfaith opportunities in the face of religious pluralism.

Christian-Buddhist Dialogue

Paul Louis Metzger, an Evangelical seminary professor, and Kyogen Carlson, a Zen Buddhist monk, discuss their experiences in dialogue and why it is valuable to their religious communities.

Unmanned: America's Drone Wars

"Unmanned" investigates the impact of U.S. drone strikes at home and abroad, observing their effect on the War on Terror, the lives of individuals, and U.S. foreign policy.

Christian-Pagan Dialogue

Dennis Huxley of The Gathering church in Salem talks about Christians and Pagans developing friendships with one another. This is a part of series on Multi-Faith Relationships from an evangelical perspective: Multi-Faith Matters.

Interfaith Roads Best Traveled

Terry Muck discusses his thoughts on mission and mult-ifaith dialogue in light of his 30 years of conversations with Buddhists and study of Buddhism.

Christians Countering Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

The work of Pastor Josh Graves of Otter Creek Church of Christ in Nashville from PBS' Religion & Ethics Newsweekly.

Carl Medearis - Is It Possible to Love Your Enemy?

What is the most famous teaching of Jesus? Carl Medearis, author and popular speaker, asked this question to Muslim leaders in the Middle East, including Hezbollah. "Love your enemies," they responded. "How's that working out for you?" Carl asks. Join a story-filled and thought-provoking discussion from The Veritas Forum at Tufts University.

Q Forum: Public Faith in a Pluralistic Society by Dr. Miroslav Volf

Christians often talk about the common good but find it difficult to pursue it in a world of competing voices. Miroslav Volf claims the confusion stems from misunderstandings about human flourishing, abundant living and co-existing alongside adherents of other faiths. He explains how pursuing the common good in a pluralistic context doesn't mean compromising our deeply held convictions.

John Azumah: A Christian Response to Islam

John Azumah is an ordained Ghanaian minister in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana and a scholar of World Christianity and Islam.

Heartsong Church Welcomes Muslim Neighbors

The story of Pastor Steve Stone and Heartsong Church and the Memphis Islamic Center. An Upworthy video.

Clean and Unclean: A Contemporary Christian Conversation with Dr. Richard Beck

Randy Harris interviews Dr. Richard Beck, Department Chair and Professor of Psychology, Abilene Christian University. Dr. Beck explains the often-irrational reactions to things (and people) we perceive as "unclean." He points out how practice is more important than preaching when attempting to address the resulting irrational behaviors. This topic has tremendous implications in multi-faith engagement in application to concerns for purity, contamination and syncretism.

What Is Empathy?

Neuroscientist David Eagleman presents a fMRI scan experiment to show how the human brain is wired for empathy toward in-group and not out-group members. From the PBS series "The Brain with David Eagleman."

Propaganda and Dehumanization

Neuroscientist David Eagleman explores how propaganda is used to dehumanize entire groups of people, making genocide possible. From the PBS series "The Brain with David Eagleman."

Robert Pape on Suicide Terrorism

The UO Channel presents the Oregon Humanities Center interview with Robert Pape, Visiting Lecturer, founder and Director, Chicago Project on Suicide Terrorism, and Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. He discusses his book Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism, including the profile of suicide terrorists, their goals, and his ideas on effective means of combating suicide terrorism in the Middle East.

Scott Atran on Why People Join Terrorist Groups

Anthropologist Scott Atran testifies to the US Senate armed service committee and before the United Nations security council about what inspires the most uncompromisingly lethal terrorist actors in the world today. It is not so much the Qur’an or religious teachings. It’s a thrilling cause that promises glory and esteem.

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